۱۳۸۴ بهمن ۲۱, جمعه


The name is for a 2002 made, 107-minute  film in which you would see Christian Bale  (the first role inthe film "Batman Begins") !

I love the film because although this is a sci-fic one, it talks about the equilibrium between sensation & rationality & teach you to how to use them simultanously.

I strongly suggest anyone to watch it for at least 1 time.Of course I'm sure that you will go on watching it again after the first watch!!!!!!!!!Image

A Poet said...

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حالا چرا اينو اينجا گفتم؟! برای اينکه هممون يک کم به اين شعر فکر کنيم ... شايد نتايجی حاصل شد...البته شايد!!!!!!!!!Image